Case Study: Meredith Connell

BRITA is proud to present Meredith Connell’s ground breaking new MC Centre in Auckland.

BRITA presents Meredith Connell’s ground breaking MC Centre

Meredith Connell, New Zealand's biggest litigation firm, wanted to create a place for the best young lawyers to choose to work. Lead architects, Jasmax, responded to MC’s brief to celebrate contemporary Aotearoa, New Zealand, and its natural environment.

Dispenser - Image standalone mobile 1566x760 - interior

Meredith Connell's MC Centre, Auckland

Dispenser - Image standalone 500x750 - vivreau

BRITA is proud to supply chilled still, sparkling and boiling water dispensers as well as customised reusable glass bottles ensuring staff and clients have access to quality water on demand.

BRITA’s expert filtration is also used to protect the coffee machines from scale as well as delivering great tasting coffee.

Discover the BRITA Dispenser range here or contact our friendly BRITA Professional Customer Service team today.

Contact for Dispenser
0800 482 008

Mon-Thur 9:00 - 16:30 AEDT/AEST
Fri 9:00 - 16:00 AEDT/AEST

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